Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Surprise! An Entry Not about Yoga

…Well at least not directly about yoga. This Saturday morning something happened that shocked and upset me. I did yoga for about an hour that afternoon outside on my patio, but it felt like my heart wasn’t in it. My mind was wandering back to the events of the morning. It wasn’t until well into my Saturday evening plans that I found a way to let it all go.

That night, a group of my friends and I attended a concert by San Francisco’s Golden Gate Men’s Chorus. The concert explored the theme of love through songs by different composers and also through poems and stories written by the members of the chorus. Though the music was so beautiful, at the beginning of the concert I could not get myself into it. I was still thinking about the events of the morning, and I felt like my mind was elsewhere. But then I decided to focus on breathing deeply, like you do in yoga, while listening to the music. I just kept slowly filling my whole chest with air, and then equally slowly exhaling. Somehow I let it all of the worries and painful thoughts go. It’s amazing what a few hours of beautiful music and some slow, consistent breathing can do for one’s outlook on life!

So anyway...even if you aren't into yoga, the next time you have something on your mind that you need a break from, just try breathing!

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